The American Hearworm Society is an organization that is dedicated to educated pet owners and providing resources to veterinarians as it pertains to heart worm disease. The month of April is set aside to draw attention to the importance of understanding this deadly disease.

Heartworms are parasitic worms that pose a life-threatening danger to our dogs and cats. The larval or immature stages of the parasite are transmitted by mosquitos and the adult worms reside in the heart a vessels supplying the lungs. Due to a number of factors, it has become a larger threat here in Indiana. Some of these include the increase in interstate movement of our pet animals (vacation, rehoming due to natural disasters, etc.) and migration of tougher, more resistant strains of heartworms North from the Mississippi River Valley. Much of Indiana is now predicted to be among the areas of highest prevalence in the U.S. This means we all have to do our part to protect our pets.

Fortunately, there are a number of products that are extremely safe and effective at preventing heartworm disease. The disease is much easier and less expensive to prevent than to treat. Estimates of current heartworm treatment costs can be 8-10 times the price of 1 year of heartworm prevention. Not to mention, recent research has proven that heartworm disease, even treated at its earliest detectable stages, can leave life-long, irreversable damage to the victim's body.
Don't leave your pet at risk for this deadly disease. Keep them on a preventive product year round as recommended by the American Heartworm Society. Our staff is ready and willing to discuss our recommendations for your pet's care. Give us a call today!